Movement Matrix: Unlocking Functional Patterns for Instructors

March 14, 2024|Functional Movement

Are you an instructor looking to enhance your skill set and provide your clients with a more fun and effective functional training experience? Look no further than functional movement training. With its emphasis on movement quality and efficiency, this training methodology has gained significant popularity in recent years. In this blog, we will explore the concept of functional movement, its importance, and delve into the seven key functional movement patterns. 

Understanding Functional Movement:

Functional movement refers to the patterns of movement that our bodies are designed to perform efficiently and effectively in daily life activities. Whether it’s lifting groceries, bending down to tie our shoes, or reaching for an object overhead, functional movement allows us to navigate these tasks with ease. Unlike isolated exercises that target individual muscles, functional movement training aims to integrate multiple muscle groups to improve overall movement patterns, strength, and stability.

Importance of Functional Movement Training:

1. Improved Movement Efficiency: Functional movement training focuses on enhancing the coordination, balance, and flexibility needed to perform day-to-day activities with ease and efficiency. By training movements that mimic real-life actions, individuals develop better motor skills and reduce the risk of injury.

2. Enhanced Performance: Functional movement training enhances athletic performance by improving movement mechanics, agility, and power. Athletes trained in functional movement patterns have shown increased speed, strength, and overall performance.

3. Injury Prevention: A lack of functional movement can result in compensatory patterns and muscle imbalances, increasing the risk of injury. By addressing these movement dysfunctions through functional movement training, individuals can minimize the risk of strains, sprains, and other common injuries.

4. Versatility and Adaptability: Functional movement exercises can be modified and progressed to suit individual needs, making it suitable for people of all fitness levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an elite athlete, functional movement training can be tailored to challenge and improve your specific movement patterns.

Key Functional Movement Patterns:

1. Squat Pattern: The squat is a foundational movement pattern that mimics sitting down and standing up. It strengthens the lower body and improves mobility in the hips, knees, and ankles. 

2. Hinge Pattern: The hinge movement involves hip flexion and extension, as seen in activities like deadlifting or bending over to pick up an object. This pattern strengthens the posterior chain and teaches proper hip mechanics. 

3. Lunge Pattern: The lunge pattern focuses on single-leg movements, improving stability and balance, and replicating walking or climbing stairs. 

4. Push Pattern: Pushing movements, such as push-ups or overhead presses, strengthen the upper body and create stability in the shoulders.

5. Pull Pattern: The pull pattern targets the upper back and posterior chain and includes exercises like rowing or pull-ups. It improves posture and scapular retraction. 

6. Rotation Pattern: Rotation movements involve twisting and rotating the trunk, simulating movements like swinging a golf club or throwing a ball. 

7. Gait Pattern: The gait pattern emphasizes walking and running movements, focusing on proper alignment, and coordination, and enhancing lower body strength.

A New Approach to Functional Movement: MSINGI™

Ready to take your functional movement training to the next level? Check out MSINGI™, a revolutionary new practice that combines functional movement patterns with mobility and a positive mindset. With specialized training and certification programs available, MSINGI™ offers instructors the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills in a cutting-edge fitness discipline that delivers exceptional results. All 7 functional movement patterns are addressed in MSINGI™, with accessible and inclusive variations through regressive and progressive options.

MSINGI™ means base or foundational in Swahili, and is a comprehensive collection of 11 movements that increase in intensity in the elemental themes of earth, wind and fire. The movements are also set to Afrobeats for a terrific vibe and energy as you guide clients through feel-good sequences in a steady tempo, for optimal and consistent movement patterns. As a fitness professional, you will benefit from a balance of creative freedom and science-based structure, providing fun and functional movement options for one-on-one clients and group classes alike. 

Visit to explore the benefits, possibilities, and certification options of this innovative movement practice.

Functional movement training is more than just another fitness trend. By focusing on movement patterns that reflect real-life activities, functional movement training improves overall movement quality, enhances performance, and reduces the risk of injury. With the seven key functional movement patterns in your training arsenal, you can help your clients achieve their fitness goals while enhancing their daily function. 

Take action today, dive into the abundant resources available on functional movement training, and consider exploring the groundbreaking practice of MSINGI™ to elevate your training to new heights.

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